Unable to move buddy from one group to another

Vijay Gunda vijay.gunda at oracle.com
Wed Aug 13 12:14:38 EDT 2014



Please see my issue.


"Unable to move buddy from one group to another" 

After performing the changes, when I re-login again buddy is displaying in the old group only.


Pidgin 2.10.6 (libpurple 2.10.6)

Pidgin is a messaging client based on libpurple which is capable of connecting to multiple messaging services at once. Pidgin is written in C using GTK+. Pidgin is released, and may be modified and redistributed, under the terms of the GPL version 2 (or later). A copy of the GPL is distributed with Pidgin. Pidgin is copyrighted by its contributors, a list of whom is also distributed with Pidgin. There is no warranty for Pidgin.






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