I need to know

Shlomi Fish shlomif at shlomifish.org
Wed Mar 26 05:08:12 EDT 2014

Hi g,

On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:30:32 -0700
g Albadowi <g.albadowi at gmail.com> wrote:

> PurpleConversationNew(type,account,name)
> Can you tell me what it is mean by (type,account,name) or what it is refer ?
> https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/DbusHowto

I presume they are arguments or parameters to the Python's subroutine called
"PurpleConversationNew". See:


I have no idea what should be placed in them, but I only skimmed the link and
did not fully read it.

Best regards,

	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Freecell Solver - http://fc-solve.shlomifish.org/

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