Pidgin XMPP Set Up Errors

Sally Mathis Sally.Mathis at
Tue Mar 24 09:15:00 EDT 2015


I've downloaded Pidgin but I'm having trouble setting up my account. I'm using Pidgin because DCO for CAC cards isn't working on my machine, so I assume I should be choosing the XMPP option?

To set up the account, I've filled in the following in the Modify Account/Basic tab:
Protocol: XMPP
Username: [used DCO username-is this correct, or do I need to make a separate pidgin account?]
Resource: xmpp
Password: [the password that I use for DCO]
Checked 'Remember my password'
Local Alias: [same as username]
Checked 'new mail notifications' and 'use this buddy icon for this account'
Checked 'create this new account on the server'
Clicked Save

Then I get a red circle with a white hyphen in it next to '[myusername] disconnected' and 'policy violation'.

I've tried looking online for a solution but couldn't find anything. Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you!


Sally Mathis
Technical Editor
JRC Integrated Systems, Inc.
(202) 735-2745
sally.mathis at<mailto:sally.mathis at>

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