LJ Talk disconnecting

Peter Lundin peter.openmail at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 11:19:09 EST 2017

Been trying to find this issue in the support archives, but not found anything similar.
I use the latest version of Pidgin, on an old XP Pro (SP 3) machine. Everything (AIM, Google Talk,
Facebook) works just fine, but not LJ Talk over the XMPP protocol.

It will connect and work for a while, but after between 4-6 minutes it will disconnect. Reconnect again,
work for a couple of minutes, only to disconnect again. And this goes on and on.

To eliminate possible reasons for this I have bypassed my NAT router (physically, meaning direct
connection to the Internet), disabled my software firewall and Windows firewall. It does not help, which
I thought it would not because Google Talk and Facebook works through the router and firewalls.

One interesting thing is that if I ping the jabber servers listed in Pidgin's debug log, I get no response.
A friend of mine living far away from me, and using a different ISP, could not ping them either.
So I doubt it is a problem with my ISP.

Below is what the debug log says. To make it shorter and easier to read, I have only pasted from where the errors begin. But of course I can post all of it, if that would help.

Pidgin Debug Log : 2017-12-14 18:26:45

(18:21:31) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): <iq type='get' id='purple3afdcc16' to='livejournal.com'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items'/></iq>
(18:21:31) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): <iq type='get' id='purple3afdcc17' to='livejournal.com'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/></iq>
(18:21:31) jabber: Recv (ssl)(293): <iq from='livejournal.com' to='XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476' type='error' id='purple3afdcc16'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items'/><error code='501' type='cancel'><feature-not-implemented xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
(18:21:31) jabber: Recv (ssl)(292): <iq from='livejournal.com' to='XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476' type='error' id='purple3afdcc17'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/><error code='501' type='cancel'><feature-not-implemented xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>

(18:21:31) jabber: Recv (ssl)(297): <iq from='proxy.eu.jabber.org' to='XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476' type='error' id='purple3afdcc1a'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams'/><error code='404' type='cancel'><remote-server-not-found xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
(18:22:03) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): <iq type='get' id='purple3afdcc1b'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>
(18:22:03) jabber: Recv (ssl)(279): <iq from='XXXXXXXXX' to='XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476' type='error' id='purple3afdcc1b'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/><error code='503' type='cancel'><service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
(18:23:03) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): <iq type='get' id='purple3afdcc1c'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>
(18:23:03) jabber: Recv (ssl)(279): <iq from='XXXXXXXXX' to='XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476' type='error' id='purple3afdcc1c'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/><error code='503' type='cancel'><service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
(18:24:03) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): <iq type='get' id='purple3afdcc1d'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>
(18:24:03) jabber: Recv (ssl)(279): <iq from='XXXXXXXXX' to='XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476' type='error' id='purple3afdcc1d'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/><error code='503' type='cancel'><service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
(18:25:03) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): <iq type='get' id='purple3afdcc1e'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>
(18:25:03) jabber: Recv (ssl)(279): <iq from='XXXXXXXXX' to='XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476' type='error' id='purple3afdcc1e'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/><error code='503' type='cancel'><service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>

(18:26:03) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): <iq type='get' id='purple3afdcc1f'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>
(18:26:03) connection: Connection error on 023D7C98 (reason: 0 description: Server closed the connection)
(18:26:03) account: Disconnecting account XXXXXXXXX/ (00F6C288)
(18:26:03) connection: Disconnecting connection 023D7C98
(18:26:03) connection: Deactivating keepalive.
(18:26:03) jabber: Sending (ssl) (XXXXXXXXX/2996932541513272213535476): </stream:stream>
(18:26:03) connection: Destroying connection 023D7C98

Would be very grateful for any help with this issue, I have been struggling with it for weeks.

Thanks in advance

Peter L

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