Pidgin acting strange

Eion Robb eion at
Mon Mar 13 15:28:42 EDT 2017

Hi Shannon,

Unfortunately those logs weren't enough to work with.  Ideally we need a
captured log when you reconnect to the Bonjour account.  The easiest way to
do this is to open the debug window, then disable and reenable the Bonjour
account and then save the log to file after that.

(Also, make sure to cc the support@ list so that others can help)


On 14 March 2017 at 07:32, Shannon Mead <smead at> wrote:

> Eion,
> I apologize I sent you the wrong info we are all running in the IPV4 not 6
> thanks,
> Shannon Mead
> Production Dept.
> West Valley View Inc.smead at
> 623-535-8439 ext. 170
> On 3/11/2017 12:25 AM, Eion Robb wrote:
> Hi there,
> Are there any other differences besides architecture?   Like, are they on
> a different subnet, or using ipv6/4 when the others arent?
> Are you able to get a debug log from Pidgin (from the buddy list,
> Help->Debug Window) as one of the failing computers tries to connect to
> Bonjour?
> Cheers,
> Eion
> On 11 March 2017 at 07:24, Shannon Mead <smead at> wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> Our company uses pidgin in combination with bonjour to provide inter
>> office messaging. I have two computers out of 30 that just will not work.
>> The pidgin installs and they can send messages but other workstations
>> cannot see them nor can they respond to them. These two computers are
>> running Windows 10 32 bit system. The other stations are running Windows 10
>> 64bit and have no issues with Pidgin. Is this a bug or do we need to
>> perhaps consider updating our bonjour software?
>> Thank you,
>> --
>> Shannon Mead
>> Production Dept.
>> West Valley View Inc.
>> smead at
>> 623-535-8439 ext. 170
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