Certificate could not be validated

Evalee Gress egress at usinfotech.com
Wed May 17 13:58:31 EDT 2017

When I asked them about this, they said they thought it might be due to a Microsoft update. Is that possible?

Other than that, they didn't know what could be causing the problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Woolley [mailto:forums at david-woolley.me.uk] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 1:55 PM
To: Evalee Gress; support at pidgin.im
Subject: Re: Certificate could not be validated

On 17/05/17 18:46, Evalee Gress wrote:
> I'm not sure which computer's data and time you're referring to or how 
> to check that.

That on the machine on which you are running pidgin.

> We use pidgin in-house within our company. I'm not sure what you mean 
> by the "service provider."

Your company's IT department.

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