Binding special characters in finch

Doron Behar doron.behar at
Fri Jan 12 11:07:29 EST 2018


On Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 07:44:05PM +0200, Doron Behar wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to change the default key bindings of `finch` - the command
> line purple based client.
> I've read the man page of finch(1) throughly and I'm experiencing a
> problem binding the following keys to commands:
> 1.`c-m`
> 2.`c-[`
> 3.`c-]`
> I understand why `c-m` may be problematic, I've heard on other programs'
> manuals (Vim for example) that the terminal can't really differentiate
> between `c-m` and the Enter Key.
> As for `c-[` and `c-]`, binding some functions to these could really
> help me.. It just doesn't work, I also want to bind two other functions
> to `c-{` and `c-}` and it doesn't work as well. I tried `c-shift-[` and
> `c-shift-]` as well and it doesn't work as well.
> I really need to bind these keys because most of the default bindings of
> `finch` have alt as a modifier just like most of my tmux bindings so I
> really need to solve the collisions.
> I would really appreciate some help if anyone had experience with it..
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