[Pidgin] #3676: Buddy list synchronisation issue with MSN

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Oct 24 12:31:53 EDT 2007

#3676: Buddy list synchronisation issue with MSN
 Reporter:  gazb       |       Type:  defect
   Status:  new        |   Priority:  minor 
Component:  libpurple  |    Version:  2.2.2 
 Keywords:             |    Pending:  0     
 If I sign onto MSN using Pidgin, then change my contact list somewhere
 else (from the official client, or another Pidgin installation, or
 whatever) and make any sort of change to my contact list, then sign back
 on with Pidgin, I get "Buddy list synchronisation" messages, which give a
 choice of either adding the contact from the locally stored list
 (blist.xml), or leaving it as it is (or something like that, I don't fully
 understand what it means). Clicking 'yes' causes Pidgin to try to copy the
 local list to the server stored list, invariably causing errors. Since the
 dialog box is badly worded, making it unclear that 'No' is the right
 option to choose, I've managed to lose some or all of my contact list
 several times in the past, as well as causing smaller problems (one
 example being moving a contact between groups, then finding them in both

 I feel this is a bug because the server-stored contact list (for MSN at
 least, not sure about other protocols) should ''always'' have priority
 over any locally stored list; the local one should be considered nothing
 more than a cache. The correct behaviour would be to not show any message
 in the case of differences between the local list and the server's, and
 simply change Pidgin's locally stored list to reflect MSN's.

 This has been happening on Gaim/Pidgin/Adium for as long as I can remember
 (at least a couple of years).

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/3676>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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