[Pidgin] #1502: Flash window when IMs are received problem

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Aug 12 13:11:04 EDT 2008

#1502: Flash window when IMs are received problem
 Reporter:  nunop   |        Owner:  datallah       
     Type:  defect  |       Status:  new            
Milestone:          |    Component:  winpidgin (gtk)
  Version:  2.0.1   |   Resolution:                 
 Keywords:          |  

Comment(by datallah):

 Replying to [comment:6 rageboy]:
 > Replying to [comment:5 datallah]:
 > >
 > > Patches to do this are welcome, it isn't clear to me how this should
 magically happen (If I just tell it to flash continuously, it still
 doesn't use the TweakUI setting).
 > Alright, I'll try to look into this. Maybe I can ask someone who works
 on the Windows UI now that I'm employed by MS.

 Ok, so here's the deal.  The TweakUI setting is for "Focus Stealing
 Prevention", it is not a generic setting for flashing the window.  It only
 kicks in when something tries to bring a window to the foreground when
 you've had some sort of other user input within a certain amount of time.
 We '''can''' use the same setting to drive our flashing count (using
 `SPI_GETFOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT`) if that works correctly (it looks like it
 will need some tweaking to make it work right for the case where the
 tweakui setting is to flash continuously).

 I recognize that the fact that it mysteriously stops flashing (and doesn't
 stay highlighted) is a separate problem.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/1502#comment:8>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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