[Pidgin] #6824: "Local alias" is confusing

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Aug 27 13:18:17 EDT 2008

#6824: "Local alias" is confusing
Reporter:  mpt    |        Type:  defect      
  Status:  new    |   Component:  pidgin (gtk)
 Version:  2.4.3  |    Keywords:              
 Pidgin 2.4.3, Ubuntu Intrepid alpha 3

 When setting up an account, I was invited to enter a "local alias". I had
 no idea what this meant, and a quick Google search for {pidgin "local
 alias"} revealed I was in good company.
  * [http://mentoliptus.blogspot.com/2007/12/irc-local-alias-vs-screen-
 name.html Azulmarino Salto]: "Seting up an IRC account in Pidgin I came
 accross input fields for 'screen name' and 'local alias' and got confused
 about the purpose of the latter, so I set different names for each one and
 proceeded to chat away hoping to stumble with some clue."
  * [https://answers.launchpad.net/pidgin/+question/22253 David Ridley]:
 "But Local Alias? What's this?"
  * [http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=290552 jb4]:
 "WTF is a 'Local Alias'?"
 Whinging Courier]: "I thought screen name, local alias might be a poncy
 way of saying user and pass but it doesn't work and won't log me in."
  * [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=668121 locky28]: "However
 when in pidgin, even though [my girlfriend] has changed her alias in the
 accounts menu, the people she chats to still see the christmas greeting
 popping up."
  * [http://sernaonubuntu.wikidot.com/pidgin David Hunter]: "In this case,
 the the Screen name will be your user ID (normally your email address),
 while the Local alias is what I call your 'display name,' that will show
 up when others have you on their contact list." (Oops.)
  * [https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+question/25045
 Bhavani Shankar]: "You have to enter your name in the local alias field in
 pidgin settings." (Oops again.)
  * [http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?hl=en-ch&answer=24073
 Google]: "leave this field blank"

 This confusion also seems to have prompted tickets #4107 and #5918.

 I'm not confident in suggesting a fix for this problem, because I'm not
 sure exactly why the field exists. From ticket #4724, I understand that
 one use case would be to distinguish multiple ICQ accounts, which would
 otherwise be difficult to tell apart. Is there any other reason for it to
 exist, rather than relying on an auto-generated display name for each

 Possible partial solutions:
  * Show the field in the "Add Account" window only if you already have at
 least one account.
  * Show the field only for ICQ accounts.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/6824>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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