[Pidgin] #6140: XML logger

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Jun 30 05:32:06 EDT 2008

#6140: XML logger
  Reporter:  samuel     |       Owner:                    
      Type:  patch      |      Status:  new               
  Priority:  minor      |   Milestone:                    
 Component:  libpurple  |     Version:  2.4.2             
Resolution:             |    Keywords:  xml logger history
   Pending:  0          |  
Comment (by samuel):

 Replying to [comment:1 datallah]:
 > there've been discussions several times about why xml isn't a suitable
 format for logging (among other reasons because you can't reasonably keep
 the file well-formed all the time).

 Yes, you are right, this is a problem. But the current html logger has the
 same problem, the html-log is not well-formed during the conversation.
 Currently I am dealing with this problem by complet resaving of the file
 after each message. Yes, it looks little ugly, but I think this is not
 real problem, because the logs are always small files (I do not have log
 greater than 4kB). Perhaps there is a better way to log conversation than
 by xml-logger and if you have an idea, please, propose it, but I do not
 think that the current pidgin loggers are suitable.

 > This also likely can be implemented as plugin.

 I do not think so. I want logging mechanism which log all important
 informations about the conversation and I want it to replace current
 loggers which do not do so. I do not sea reason to have many different
 loggers, one good logger is enough and I want such a logger. I do not say
 that it must be XML-logger, there could be better format for logging. I
 just want logger to log all important information about the conversation
 and no current logger do this.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/6140#comment:3>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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