[Pidgin] #4986: automatic chat input field resizing should be optional, regression from 2.3

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Mar 4 18:50:17 EST 2008

#4986: automatic chat input field resizing should be optional, regression from 2.3
  Reporter:  swbrown       |       Owner:                   
      Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new              
  Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:                   
 Component:  pidgin (gtk)  |     Version:  2.4.0            
Resolution:                |    Keywords:  chat input resize
   Pending:  0             |  
Comment (by Gookey):

 Replying to [comment:55 kepplah]:
 > 1) Allow manual resize.
 > 2) Allow automatic resize disable setting.
 > 3) Min and max size settings.
 > Would this not make everyone happy? Should you bundle it as a plugin so
 you can urge people to do it your way, and allow those who disagree their
 way as well?

 The ability to disable the automatic resize will satisfy me.
 The point was raised that having manual sizing played hell with automatic
 resizing.  What if manual sizing is disabled when automatic sizing is

 I think that the set number of lines and percentage solutions to not
 satisfy all cases.  Dealing with whole lines of text for spacing can
 sometimes get mucked up with using a shift+enter in the entry pane because
 of how the paragraph break spacing is different from the automatic line
 Also, and this is strictly a personal taste thing, I feel like seeing the
 fractions of lines of text is more natural for a scrollable window.

 Similarly, the percentage setting may be inadequate for a situation where
 someone sets the percentage because they like how much space the input
 field takes up (not merely the ratio), and then they maximize the chat
 window.  The input field would expand to match the ratios, and then appear
 "too large" for what the user wanted.

 Finally, as dave314159 mentioned, the hard and fast line counts and
 percentages can be unintuitive compared to the drag handle.  While the
 intuitiveness can be addressed by having the drag handle go to line
 numbers and percentages in the back end, updating the preference values
 behind the scenes, this wouldn't address the other issues I have pointed

 Personally, I think 2.3 handled the window maximizing great, by expanding
 the chat area, and leaving the input area the same size.

 This problem of automatic resizing, along with one that I think is a bug
 with the new version of GTK+ has led me to revert to 2.3.1.

 As for responding to seanegan's post from 03/04/2008 12:38:11 PM, I find
 the minimum size too small for my taste (aesthetics are tricky; call me a
 white-space fetishist if you wish) the maximum size too small if I wish to
 read over a lengthy message before sending it, and the auto-resize is
 visually jarring.
 What I see happening is action strictly within a text area is now
 affecting the window as a whole.  That, I find bothersome, and I believe
 many others feel that as well.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4986#comment:72>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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