[Pidgin] #7326: Adding mulitple buddies at once with a Jabber server

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Oct 21 22:24:25 EDT 2008

#7326: Adding mulitple buddies at once with a Jabber server
 Reporter:  tlagrant  |        Owner:  deryni 
     Type:  task      |       Status:  pending
Milestone:            |    Component:  XMPP   
  Version:  2.5.2     |   Resolution:         
 Keywords:            |  
Changes (by rekkanoryo):

  * status:  new => pending


 If your XMPP server supports enforcing a server-side roster, this would be
 your best bet.  Configure it on the server, force it to always push to all
 connecting clients, and you're done.  Using this method, additions to and
 deletions from the roster would be manageable server-side as well.  I
 don't know the specific details of how to configure this or how it works
 in practice, but it can be done on at least some servers.

 Alternatively, you can log in with one account, create the buddy list,
 then use the List Handler plugin from the Purple Plugin Pack to export a
 "generic XML buddy list" from that account, then use the same plugin to
 import the file into the individual users' accounts.

 Are either of these solutions viable for you?

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/7326#comment:1>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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