[Pidgin] #8788: Chat Log seems to get enabled by it's self

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Mar 26 11:46:57 EDT 2009

#8788: Chat Log seems to get enabled by it's self
 Reporter:  noobzor  |           Owner:  lschiere    
     Type:  defect   |          Status:  pending     
Milestone:           |       Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.5.5    |      Resolution:              
 Keywords:           |   Launchpad_bug:              
Changes (by noobzor):

  * status:  pending => new

Old description:

> I have disabled logging several times, and somehow after like a month or
> so, logging gets re-enabled out of the blue.  I've done anti-virus scans
> and have internet security monitoring, and I'm the only user on this
> computer, it just baffles me.

New description:

 I have disabled logging several times, and somehow after like a month or
 so, logging gets re-enabled out of the blue.  I've done anti-virus scans
 and have internet security monitoring, and I'm the only user on this
 computer, it just baffles me.

 I guess I'm referring to the Tools->Preferences->Logging.  What happens is
 I'll uncheck all 3, Log all instant messages, Log all chats, Log all
 status changes to system log.   Then about month later, it will magically
 have all 3 checked again out of the blue.  This has been going on since at
 least October 2008.  I thought it was my laptop at first possibly
 compromised, but I just bought this laptop in February, then I noticed
 yesterday my logging for pidgin got turned on out of the blue on this new



 Replying to [comment:1 datallah]:
 > Are you referring to the per-user logging or the "master" logging
 setting in Tools->Preferences->Logging?
 > Do any of your other preferences appear to get reset at the same time?
 > There's no reason to think that this is related to a virus or anything
 like that.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/8788#comment:2>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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