[Pidgin] #10750: Why does buddy status change

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Nov 16 21:48:29 EST 2009

#10750: Why does buddy status change
 Reporter:  Kathleen      |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  defect        |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.6.3     
 Keywords:                |  
 Hi- I have a buddy on my list but, everytime I get a pounce it says they
 are offline then change status to away. As far as I know they only use
 gmail chat and this is impossible for them to go offline then away. That
 is not an option on in gmail. Does this mean they are using pidgin as
 well? Im confused. Little question that is driving me nuts.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/10750>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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