[Pidgin] #11621: auto-reply sent even when conversation is active

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Apr 1 17:12:39 EDT 2010

#11621: auto-reply sent even when conversation is active
 Reporter:  cepheid       |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  defect        |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.6.5     
 Keywords:                |  
 Bug #3120 appears to have reared its head again, at least for me... when I
 am set Away but not idle, and I am having a conversation with someone, my
 auto-reply will sometimes fire right into the conversation.  For example,
 this happens _without fail_ if I start a conversation with someone while
 away; the first time the buddy replies, the auto-reply is sent even though
 the conversation is active (and by "active" I mean the window has focus
 and I'm typing into it).  Conversations that have received no input for
 only ~3 minutes will also get an auto-reply, although IMHO 3 minutes still
 counts as "active."

 This seems to happen only for AIM (Oscar) accounts; GTalk does not seem to
 suffer from this issue.

 1) Is this a bug in the implementation of auto-reply for AIM/Oscar
 accounts, similar to bug #3120?  Or is this a problem with AIM's protocol?
 Adium does not appear to suffer from this issue, so I don't think it's
 specific to libpurple, but I can't be sure.

 2) If this is not a bug, would it be possible to add a checkbox, "Don't
 auto-reply to active conversations," with a number field so the user can
 specify the number of idle minutes before a conversation is considered
 inactive?  (Even if this is a bug, this enhancement may be useful.)

 I'm happy to provide screenshots or other diagnostics if required.
 System specifics: pidgin 2.6.5, compiled from source on CentOS 5.2.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11621>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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