[Pidgin] #673: Keyring support for password storage

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun Apr 25 10:52:20 EDT 2010

#673: Keyring support for password storage
 Reporter:  shirish      |        Owner:  rlaager  
     Type:  enhancement  |       Status:  new      
Milestone:  3.0.0        |    Component:  libpurple
  Version:  2.0          |   Resolution:           
 Keywords:               |  

Comment(by samee):

 Ok, I get the arguments here, so how about implementing it as a plugin
 instead of doing it in libpurple? That way, no compatibility issue comes
 up. I'm no plugin expert, so please comment on if this is doable (esp.
 without purple modification). If so, I can help implementing it:
  * As far as libpurple is concerned, no passwords are being remembered
  * In reality, they are being stored in a place accessible by a plugin
 (let's call it "!TheMaster"), likely encrypted by a master password
  * !TheMaster loads up when pidgin loads, which asks for a master
 password, decrypts the keys, and sets the account passwords at runtime
 just before they start connecting.
  * libpurple finds the passwords in the
 PurpleAccount] already set, so avoids asking the user for any, and simply
 goes on to use !TheMaster-supplied passwords (this is the part of purple
 behavior I'm unsure of)

 If this is possible, it could be a great solution to a sore issue, with
 little or no change in libpurple. Any comments on feasibility and
 locations of changes required would be appreciated.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/673#comment:20>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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