[Pidgin] #12339: "msn/*@hotmail.fr" contacts folded into non-existant "msn" email address

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Aug 5 00:09:50 EDT 2010

#12339: "msn/*@hotmail.fr" contacts folded into non-existant "msn" email address
 Reporter:  andr909  |        Owner:  sulabh.dev         
     Type:  defect   |       Status:  new                
Milestone:           |    Component:  Yahoo!/Yahoo! JAPAN
  Version:  2.7.1    |   Resolution:                     
 Keywords:           |  

Comment(by rekkanoryo):

 Replying to [comment:5 andr909]:
 > The format "msn/somename @ hotmail.fr" is a valid email address, if the
 2 spaces are removed.[[BR]]
 > So using an "msn/" prefix for MSN addresses in Pidgin will produce an
 error for such addresses, even if this bug did not exist.[[BR]]
 > So the separator in the prefix should be changed, if a prefix must be
 used.  It seems that ".." is the only available separator in the ASCII

 The fact that '/' is valid in email addresses is irrelevant--it's illegal
 in Yahoo usernames and e-mail addresses, which is sufficient for the
 purposes for which it's used here.  Additionally, you cannot add buddies
 with arbitrary e-mail addresses to a Yahoo buddy list.  If you're adding
 an e-mail address instead of just a username, it must be ''either'' one of
 a very few specific Yahoo-owned domains (rocketmail, ymail, sbcglobal.net,
 and one or two others) ''or'' it must be from a "federated" network such
 as MSN, LCS/OCS, Sametime, or the Pingbox service.  Buddies from
 "federated" networks are keyed by special flags in the YMSG packets.

 Assuming it were possible to have an email address of
 'msn/rekkanoryo at live.fr', and this were a valid, working email address, in
 our Yahoo implementation, the buddy would appear as
 'msn/msn/rekkanoryo at live.fr' simply because of the federation.  The need
 for a prefix and separator is temporary and will go away when 3.0.0 comes
 about and we can modify API to allow specifying a federated network as an
 extra field in the add buddy dialog.

 Thus, the prefix and separator are wholly irrelevant to this issue.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12339#comment:6>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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