[Pidgin] #12441: No easy way of changing the background color of the converstation in windows.

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Aug 5 14:58:57 EDT 2010

#12441: No easy way of changing the background color of the converstation in
 Reporter:  BobKazooie    |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  defect        |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.7.2     
 Keywords:                |  

 This is a problem I've had ever since I started using pidgin, and I fainly
 remember this being possible in SOME version of pidgin.

 So the main problem is that even as there are a number of plugins that
 change the color of the outgoing font, the display font and for who knows
 what font. But the main problem is that I would wish to havew my
 converstations on black screen, but this is not allowed on pidgin. I know
 there are instructions for how to do this, but may I say, for me it looks
 bluntly like this:

 "Learn python"

 And as it seems that atleast on Windows (that is my platform) there is no
 way in changing the backbround by plugins either, that makes me believe
 that such plugin would be difficult to make overall, since there are
 possibilities of changing almost every other color on pidgin.

 So, if this has something to do with the windows having a windows theme
 and therefore it would be hard to compose (that is bit strange, since the
 transparency works just fine), then I suggest that there would be
 possibility to set the transparency of the background to zero and add an
 alpha layer underneath, that has by default a tag to edid as a color (and
 for preserving the possibility of the transparency, the color should have
 also a transparent value). I have no idea how this would be done in use,
 but if I had, I would do it myself I assume.

 Also, I am aware that I am not the onlyone suffering of the same problem,
 as when I was trying to find (clear) solution or plugin to do this, I
 bumped up with only similar inquiries. And if such plugin is made, that
 can (even as if it would be it's sole purpose, or it would have * load of
 bloat) change the background color, please notify me of such, and also
 make that an official plugin comming along with pidgin, to the point that
 a better one is made.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12441>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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