[Pidgin] #12130: Inconsistent usage of "cancelled" and "canceled"

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Aug 23 01:34:15 EDT 2010

#12130: Inconsistent usage of "cancelled" and "canceled"
 Reporter:  dwc    |        Owner:  rekkanoryo  
     Type:  patch  |       Status:  closed      
Milestone:  2.7.4  |    Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.7.1  |   Resolution:  fixed       
 Keywords:         |  
Changes (by qulogic at pidgin.im):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed
  * milestone:  => 2.7.4


 (In [6edfcd5c45dd91f7b29deaf9eedbf44ce09c0a9c]):[[BR]]
 Standardize on "cancelled".

 QuLogic: so, canceled or cancelled? that patch on #12130 is pretty
 wabz: cancelled :D
 wabz: that cancelled thing actually bothered me in the past
 wabz: never quite enough to do such a patch :p
 elb: that's an en_US vs en_GB thing
 elb: both are correct, but canceled is more common in en_{US,CA} and
 cancelled in en_{GB,AU,NZ,etc.}
 elb: personally, I use cancelled
 QuLogic: yea, that's what I went for before, but I think I couldn't change
 any strings because we were frozen
 QuLogic: you all had to pick the spelling that was opposite from the guy's
 patch, didn't you...
 rekkanoryo: well, considering we're generally en_US in our strings, it
 should be canceled in our source
 elb: considering they're both correct, and while I'm anal retentive, I'm
 not anal retentive about that, I have no preference ;-)
 rekkanoryo: I don't really care either way, I just think that we should be
 consistently en_US or en_GB throughout
 elb: right
 elb: my point is, they're both correct for en_US
 elb: one 'l' is simply more common
 rekkanoryo: ah
 rekkanoryo: if they're both technically correct for en_US, then
 "cancelled" is my vote
 rekkanoryo: one 'l' always looks wrong to me
 elb: the dictionary claims they are

 Sorry, dwc.
 Closes #12130.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12130#comment:1>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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