[Pidgin] #11353: list all servers that makeup the network

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Feb 12 01:11:41 EST 2010

#11353: list all servers that makeup the network
 Reporter:  raviolo72                        |     Owner:  sulabh.dev
     Type:  enhancement                      |    Status:  new       
Component:  Yahoo!/Yahoo! JAPAN              |   Version:  2.6.5     
 Keywords:  list all servers makeup network  |  
 in pidgin when you go to accounts > modify account > advanced tab it lists
 this for yahoo japan
 PAGER SERVER            cs.yahoo.co.jp
 PAGER PORT              5050
 FILE TRANSFER SERVER    filetransfer.msg.yahoo.co.jp
 ENCODING                UTF-8
 but i know theres alot more servers used than this such as the http login
 server while i think whats listed as the pager server listed is the ymsg
 server its still missing listing ymsg.http server voice server and theres
 also the captcha server but i think that only pertains to "yahoo world"
 (as opposed to "yahoo japan") right now
 also its similar to my experience on irc i think except i just had to type
 in 1 server but it wasnt a different server or set of servers for
 different things like yahoo but many different servers forming a whole
 network performing multiple tasks with administrative names ran by host
 servers performing additional tasks
 but i digress
 for our general information and curiosity there should be a list of sites
 and some url's that pidgin knows about or uses and allow us to type in our
 own values for servers and change them as options
 i dont recall any yahoo anything client ever that did this so i think this
 is a novel idea
 thank you

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11353>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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