[Pidgin] #12328: XMPP user directory setting

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Jul 16 17:48:24 EDT 2010

#12328: XMPP user directory setting
 Reporter:  SgtPepper                            |     Owner:  deryni
     Type:  enhancement                          |    Status:  new   
Component:  XMPP                                 |   Version:  2.7.1 
 Keywords:  directory setting xmpp jabber disco  |  
 Currently, if an XMPP server does not respond to a disco#info request with
 user directory information, the user has to input the directory server
 every time a search is performed.  Ease of use would be greatly improved
 in this area if a setting were added that could override values that were
 (or weren't) received from the server.

 This should be as easy as adding the following to jabber_user_search_begin
 (buddy.c) and passing def_val as the fourth argument to
         const char *def_val = purple_account_get_string(js->gc->account,
 "user_directory", NULL);
         if (!def_val && js->user_directories)
                 def_val = js->user_directories->data;
 This would allow the user to add the setting to accounts.xml if they wish.

 Usability would be increased even further if this setting were added to
 the GUI by including the following in libxmpp.c's init_plugin:
         option = purple_account_option_string_new(_("User directory
 server"), "user_directory", NULL);
         prpl_info.protocol_options =
 g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);
 I would be happy to submit this as a patch if it's likely to be accepted,
 but I've never contributed code to this project and would need to research
 the process.

 Of course, if there are arguments against this functionality, I'd be glad
 to hear them.  I just know there are people at my job who don't use Pidgin
 for this very reason (our jabber server responds to disco#info with a 404
 error, but I can imagine other scenarios where this would be useful as

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12328>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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