[Pidgin] #3360: Chat Room Support in Google Talk

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Mar 15 13:45:20 EDT 2010

#3360: Chat Room Support in Google Talk
 Reporter:  onlineapps   |        Owner:  darkrain42 
     Type:  enhancement  |       Status:  closed     
Milestone:               |    Component:  Google Talk
  Version:  2.2.0        |   Resolution:             
 Keywords:  chat         |  

Comment(by deryni):

 We are not going to start keeping lists of public muc rooms in pidgin,
 maintenance on such a list is going to be a nightmare. If a list were
 retrievable from somewhere online it would at least be possible to
 consider using that list (though I'm still not sure I like this idea).

 Google Talk should be returning the service it provides in its disco
 response which would allow us to populate the server field correctly (a
 minor long-standing bug about switching fields notwithstanding) but it
 isn't doing so.

 I believe there is a ticket asking that pidgin remember previously used
 settings, I'm neutral on that idea in general.

 Last I knew the official Google Talk client didn't support group chats at
 all, only the gadget (and possibly the gmail interface did) and they
 supported this as a conversion from an existing conversation and/or from
 the buddy list. pidgin doesn't support conversion of a one-on-one
 conversation into a chat but does support the buddy list room creation
 method so I'm not really sure how pidgin is handling this all that much
 worse than the official clients do.

 Again, assuming Google Talk starts correctly advertising their service
 name I could see adding an "Automatic room" option to the Join a Chat
 dialog which would do the Right Thing for any server we know supports that
 sort of feature.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/3360#comment:31>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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