[Pidgin] #13246: Better way to manage buddy merges? (for logging purposes)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Jan 21 15:56:55 EST 2011

#13246: Better way to manage buddy merges? (for logging purposes)
 Reporter:  ian_hawdon       |     Owner:  rlaager
     Type:  enhancement      |    Status:  new    
Component:  logging          |   Version:  2.7.9  
 Keywords:  logs merge link  |  
 Hi, I've been using Pidgin for quite a few years now (and MSN before
 then), and over the many years, people have switched to different services
 or changed to different IDs. This makes it a pain to search logs for
 specific conversations.

 I know you can merge buddies by expanding one, and dragging them in, like
 a little mini group for that one person. But now there's the problem that
 someone's old account has been inactive for so long, that their username
 is no longer on the server, thus it has long since vanished from my buddy
 list (in some cases, the username has been recycled and used by someone
 else, making re-adding them for the sake of log organising a bit

 What I'd like to see, is a way just to "link" buddies via log entries,
 rather than merging on the contact list.


Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/13246>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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