[Pidgin] #14075: Option to make "Saved Statuses" window System Modal

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon May 16 11:25:40 EDT 2011

#14075: Option to make "Saved Statuses" window System Modal
 Reporter:  Swifty        |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  enhancement   |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.7.11    
 Keywords:                |  
 I'd like and option to make the "Saved Statuses" selection window System
 Model, or at least "Always on top".

 I'm forever leaving Pidgin set to "Lunch" state and forgetting to return
 to "At work" when I come back. If that window were system modal, or
 "always on top", then it would be hard to miss it when I returned from my
 post-lunch siesta!

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/14075>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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