[Pidgin] #14547: unicode node names fail to authenticate for xmpp.

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Sep 13 09:15:13 EDT 2011

#14547: unicode node names fail to authenticate for xmpp.
 Reporter:  phreadom  |        Owner:  deryni
     Type:  defect    |       Status:  new   
Milestone:  3.0.0     |    Component:  XMPP  
  Version:  2.10.0    |   Resolution:        
 Keywords:  unicode   |  

Comment(by datallah):

 I don't think we can use these, but I'd love to be wrong.

 These are compiled with VC9 (or 10 or some recent version) and depend on a
 different version of the MS CRT.
 The is problematic from a few perspectives:
  * It may be problematic to use a different CRT than Pidgin is using -
 we'd have to look carefully at how the API works to make sure that this
 would be potentially problematic in some scenarios.
  * we'd have to distribute the MS CRT installer, which I believe would be
 legal (we'd have to verify this because we don't have licensing for
 VS2010), but would certainly be an additional burden.  I really don't much
 like the idea of having to deal with distributing a MS CRT installer.
  * I don't believe that the GSSAPI plugin will work as the current one
 does - I had to make a number of changes to compile against Kerberos for
 Windows when I built this.  If this works against the current Windows
 credential directly, that would be a big "plus".

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/14547#comment:9>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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