[Pidgin] #15018: Adding pidgin to website

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Mar 20 02:12:23 EDT 2012

#15018: Adding pidgin to website
 Reporter:  STAHRT                                             |     Owner:  kstange
     Type:  task                                               |    Status:  new    
Component:  webpage                                            |   Version:  2.10.2 
 Keywords:  website widget,widget,website,website integration  |  
 We have decided to use pidgin. One problem has occurred. Is there a widget
 or method to add pidgin to our website so that for instance; a msn user or
 irc user or any user in which pidgin supports shows up at site they can
 use it to contact us through a pidgin interface on the website. Otherwise
 we would have to offer on the website all of the im's and that was the
 purpose of choosing pidgin as it covers all the major IM's more so than
 any other. So in summary; is there a widget to accomplish this or coding
 which can be added so pidgin and its functionality on on the site?

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/15018>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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