[Pidgin] #15119: All contact requests failing - MSN

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri May 18 17:28:00 EDT 2012

#15119: All contact requests failing - MSN
 Reporter:  tim_abell  |        Owner:  QuLogic
     Type:  defect     |       Status:  new    
Milestone:             |    Component:  MSN    
  Version:  2.10.3     |   Resolution:         
 Keywords:             |  

Comment(by freekjuuh):

 i use pidgin for msn al the time, but i do not experience this problem.
 and i never did.
 but whenever i add someone, they automatically get blocked, become
 but i simply have to unblock them and the issue is resolved.
 not really an issue in my case,

 maybe you have the same issue but your not realising that they are being
 wich still would be weird since, you blocking them, would make You
 invisable to them but you can still see them
 but you can't see them but they can see you, (as online)

 clean install or maybe:
 install a different msn protcol to use
 since i use pecan (it shows as WLM instead of MSN) and am not experiencing
 this problem
 why dont you give it a try:
 http://code.google.com/p/msn-pecan/  (am i allowed to post links to other

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/15119#comment:3>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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