[Pidgin] #15902: skin care 11333

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sat Feb 1 07:24:32 EST 2014

#15902: skin care 11333
 Reporter:  nenaking21              |      Owner:  EionRobb
     Type:  task                    |     Status:  new
Milestone:  Patches Needing Review  |  Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.10.8                  |   Keywords:  Auravie
 ever think it would become I'm a hugely popular show with actually thought
 people hate so we never ever thought it was going to do this well we just
 on the time we got no match for after which is extraordinary I'm just
 being honest another BAFTA I’m which is amazing say even if it's a basic
 where’d he see it going to you can stay therefore Eva crying at the
 cheesiest TV commercials picking a fight with anyone or anything inanimate
 object will do and stuffing your face with cart and chocolate these all
 signs PMS but what about PMS face he wake up in the morning you go to Mara
 sums to me as a %uh got my PMs face which for me is really puffy I late
 look super tired other people a combo a bloated face you face is
 completely different sometimes I get the breakout on the chain usually
 althea your line or occasionally one giant spot somewhere just huge great
 lump everything all of these things you already feeling a bit depressed me
 know a lot of psychological because you can feel officer there's a but I
 don't feel attractive I feel and then we actually go to Mara and is a
 physical symptoms their physicalsims in your face it just makes everything
 a thousand times worse so today I'm going to show you some really instant
 remedies for PMS face so want to talk about lots of different remedies for
 now how much time

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/15902>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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