[Pidgin] #16260: what about school schools

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Jun 4 02:43:18 EDT 2014

#16260: what about school schools
 Reporter:  JamiJJones  |      Owner:  EionRobb
     Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
Milestone:              |  Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.10.9      |   Keywords:
 what about school schools have black course blackboards on black anymore
 they're white they're made out a vinyl blackboard is a vapor barrier we
 have to back then later blackboards we put them on to buy two for extra
 training vertically to back then light the old days we had cabin/entry
 that was made out of something called would and how out how quaint is that
 would now we get like grass from Argentina that wesmushed together with
 you know the Colonels 11 secret herbs and spices and we have this
 engineered lead award-winning recycled happy you know carbon sequestering
 who knows what that turns to snot and so we have to do out with them weave
 to back ran late them as well so we're finding that we have we are
 learning the rules to stay outtalk trouble walls need to dry to the inside
 and shouldn’t have a verb errors on me inside of them including the
 features that you at Chisholm especially if you air condition the reason
 that this is an issue is that the united states of America is the only air
 conditioning dominated industrialized nation in the world see you can't
 get your building science knowledge from a bunch beer drinking hockey
 playing Canadians and certainly not a bunch Scandinavians and Germans and
 French is it on air condition United States we need to develop our own
 building science rules because and lots of places its humid and lots
 places where condition and that's a problem it's difficult weave to think
 of the wall in the opposite art direction or not doing it they're all
 runner-up why us why do we have all this mold wire people are coughing and
 wheezing and things are turning the smile because you’re stupid knows why
 to take the perfect quality laid down to get the perfect proof you flip it
 the other way to get the perfect slap this is a and aha moment I'll the
 physics of walls ruse and foundations are the same I mean who knew old
 people rode in like books but their old books they require asking
 librarian to get them that involves a social interaction that's why young
 engineers never learned about this so if you take the perfect roof you got
 to control layer under the insulation they've got your ballast pretty Nina
 to replace the ballast with dirt grassing a goat that would be a green
 roof you know like grass and dirt and their like green okay work with me
 on this which is got more thermal resistance lurch or insulation I let me
 dry and map the insulation is better insulation and dirt considered was
 insulation would put it on wall sits just under X so claiming that dirt is
 insulating stupid when your option is other insulation so it's either
 putting dirt on her roof you should buy more insulation which is more
 reflective grass or white membrane [http://www.aminomusclefact.com/ Amino
 Muscle] white membrane apparently somebody important used to work here
 good figure that out Miller remarkable we actually have scientist in
 charge at the department of energy I mean what the hell went wrong up what
 a great idea sigh I'm kind bemused at the architectural community saying
 green ruse are energy efficient and in fact green 10 white roof is greener
 than a greener.

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