[Pidgin] #16969: Add option to dock buddy list to tabbed-conversation-window

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Mar 1 13:20:47 EST 2016

#16969: Add option to dock buddy list to tabbed-conversation-window
 Reporter:  Lonniebiz    |      Owner:
     Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
Milestone:               |  Component:  pidgin (gtk)
  Version:  2.10.12      |   Keywords:
 Please add a new feature to Pidgin, to where you can run pidgin in one
 window instead of two or more windows.

 I wish there was an option where you could tell pidgin to dock the buddy
 list into the conversation window and keep it that way.

 Or, another way to achieve the same, would be to have a preference where,
 "upon receiving a message, the buddy-list becomes a two-panel-window: with
 the buddy list in one panel, and the tabbed-active-conversations in the
 other panel"

 Look at this screen-shot, while pretending it is one window, even though
 it is actually two:

 So, why do this? Here's the main purpose:

 1) I have pidgin docked to my task bar
 2) Sometimes, when I click the docked icon, I want to get to my buddy list
 3) Sometimes, when I click the docked icon, I want to resume existing
 4) Too much of the time, the wrong one (of the two windows) is the one
 that become active upon clicking the pidgin icon I've docked. I'm sure the
 same is true if I were using windows or any other desktop environment.

 So, if there was a preference to make the whole of pidgin operate in one
 window, each time I click my docked icon of pidgin, I'd always get to what
 I want in one step (and stop this constant juggling between two windows.

 I already appreciate the tabbed-conversations, now if we could just get
 the buddy list into that same window pidgin would be perfect to me.

 I'm not saying it should necessarily be the default, but I'd love to see
 this option added as a preference.

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/16969>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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