Shoddy/concise style in the German translation

pyriel mandragora pyriel.mandragora at
Tue Jan 22 14:10:43 EST 2008

I sure hope i chose the right forum for this remark... (so if I didn't
don't kill me ^^)

At least in Pidgin 2.3.1 the English term "Buddies" in the menu was
translated "Buddys" which is no translation at all imho but it is no
English term either.

A translation would be "Freunde" or "Kontakte" etc.

Frankly "Buddys" could be written right next to "Petra's Sofas" (or
worse "Petra's Sofa's") - just another wrongly adopted borrowing.

Just my2cents. It is not my intention to affront anybody.


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