Pidgin is string frozen!

F Wolff friedel at
Thu Sep 3 05:55:13 EDT 2009

Op Vr, 2009-08-28 om 00:50 -0700 skryf Mark Doliner:
> Hi everybody!
> Pidgin/Finch/libpurple is now string frozen pending the release of
> 2.6.2 hopefully next week on Thursday, September 3rd.  There are a few
> new strings and a few fuzzies.  We're pushing this release out so soon
> after the previous one because it includes fixes for bugs that affect
> large swaths of people.
> -Mark

It seems that the --help text of Pidgin was entirely rewritten.

Why is does this have two trailing newlines?
Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n

The arguments to long options like --config=DIR and --login=[NAME] is
now not translatable any more.  DIR and NAME should be translatable.

The wrapping with the new --help text is really not very nice, and it
seems there are parentheses that span translation units:

"enable specified account(s) (optional argument NAME
                      specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas."


"Without this only the first account will be enabled)."

Any reason why this can't be part of one translation message (since it
is one message anyway). Is there a way we can avoid having to do the
wrapping as translators?

I attached my updated Afrikaans translation here:
Is it still in time for the release?

Keep well

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