pidgin.pot for 2.x.y branch - strings 174 & 175

TSK! | KNTRO (MindBuildingx/1.75 Greenwich) (Darktech/4.75 Gibraltar kompliant) tskuhn at
Thu May 22 21:28:24 EDT 2014

Hi all!

I'm KNTRO. I'm new to the Pidgin Translators' world; :) I'll be working on
the *Argentine Spanish* locale from now on.

I've began localizing Pidgin to this locale and I've found some stuff I
want to make it clear. Sorry if what I'm asking you was talked before.

Thing is — I'm working currently on the *pidgin.pot for 2.x.y branch* and I
found this in *strings 174 & 175*:

■*String 174*:
*%s is not a valid message class. See '/help msgcolor' for valid message

■*String 175*:
*%s is not a valid color. See '/help msgcolor' for valid colors.*

In both cases says *See '/help msgcolor'* but the string 174 it's about
valid message class, not about valid colors. Is string 174 correct?

Thank you very much in advance.
*TSK! | KNTRO (MindBuildingx/1.75 Greenwich) (Darktech/4.75 Gibraltar
*Ante la necesidad vulgar de una moraleja, puedo decir que siempre es
preferible el que mata por despecho al que mata por ideología. Los meros
criminales pueden arrepentirse, los que matan en nombre de unas
convicciones son irredimibles. Un malandra es menos peligroso que un
*— Alejandro Dolina.*
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