Pidgin Windows Installer Translations

тѕк❕ (мвχ/3.2 ℓση∂ση) tskuhn at
Fri Mar 24 15:28:04 EDT 2017

Hi all,

El 23/3/2017 a las 17:02, Daniel Atallah escribió:
> NSIS doesn't support all languages and that list only includes 
> languages supported by NSIS (this is why es_AR isn't available)

I think there's no documentation on this (right?) which is a pity. I 
spent hours, days and weeks translating and now I understand I've wasted 
a bunch of hours by doing it. If just a simple warning would be 
available for translators, then it'd be a very much gently detail. Just 
my thoughts.

/Don't stop
till the beat is done./
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