[Pidgin] mmcco modified

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Jun 8 22:52:40 EDT 2015

Page "mmcco" was changed by mmcco
Diff URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/mmcco?action=diff&version=7>
Revision 7
Comment: add Ubuntu and libnice
Index: mmcco
--- mmcco (version: 6)
+++ mmcco (version: 7)
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
 Pidgin 3.0 has many dependencies, including some new ones and some that are a little tricky to get set up properly. Don't take this as gospel - it's simply what I've done to make the builds work reliably.
-I've been doing my dev work on Ubuntu 15.04 (the most recent release at the moment). I install all manually compiled packages into the prefix `$HOME/env/` to keep `/usr/` clean and Ubuntu-specific. I strongly recommend this - it makes it easier to specify which version of a library should be used, and it prevents linker-related headaches and system reinstalls when you start getting library-related errors. I've added `$HOME/env/` to the following environment variables to make it fully usable:
+I've been doing my dev work on Ubuntu 15.04 (the most recent release at the moment). Because of that, much of the information below is OS-specific. However, the dependencies' Debian and Ubuntu packages are often very similar or even identical, and the two OSs make up a large share of our user base. Obviously, compatible versions of all dependencies are going to have to be available in the Debian and Ubuntu repositories before 3.0 can be effectively shipped.
+I install all manually compiled packages into the prefix `$HOME/env/` to keep `/usr/` clean and Ubuntu-specific. I strongly recommend this - it makes it easier to specify which version of a library should be used, and it prevents linker-related headaches and system reinstalls when you start getting library-related errors. I've added `$HOME/env/` to the following environment variables to make it fully usable:
 * `PATH`
@@ -32,3 +34,9 @@
 [https://www.guifications.org/ GPlugin] was added as a Pidgin dependency in May 2015. It's meant to allow plugins to be written in any programming language through the use of [https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GObjectIntrospection GObject introspection]. There were build problems in 0.18 involving Mozilla's gjs library (apparently only C++ headers were available while C headers were needed), but that's been removed as a dependency for now.
 GPlugin is new, and isn't yet included in Debian or Ubuntu's package repos. You therefore have to build from source. Additionally, I wasn't able to find which (if any) environment variable determines the search path for `.gir` files. I therefore grudgingly installed it without my build environment prefix. I've since been told that such an environment variable does exist, though - I'll share it here once I find it.
+=== libnice ===
+[http://wiki.freedesktop.org/nice/ libnice] is a library implementing ICE and STUN which is used by the voice/video stack.
+It's Ubuntu package is derived from the Debian package, which is maintained by the [https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianTelepathyMaintainers Debian Telepathy Maintainers]. This package is currently at version 0.1.7-1 in the repo and 0.1.4-1 in Ubuntu 15.04. The latest libnice release is 0.1.13, and we need at least 0.1.8 for the latest version of Farstream. 0.13.0 builds and tests successfully on Ubuntu 15.04, so I'm working on an update to submit.

Page URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/mmcco>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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