[Pidgin] mmcco modified

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Jun 11 16:56:23 EDT 2015

Page "mmcco" was changed by mmcco
Diff URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/mmcco?action=diff&version=19>
Revision 19
Comment: more about OS compat
Index: mmcco
--- mmcco (version: 18)
+++ mmcco (version: 19)
@@ -78,4 +78,8 @@
 On the other hand, Tomasz pointed out that GStreamer 1.0 didn't additionally offer device selection. It's been fixed since, but he suspects it hasn't made its way into the Windows code yet, so we may need to implement that ourselves.
-Additionally, this would mean that Pidgin 3.0 would not support certain LTS operating systems such as Ubuntu 12.04, Debian Squeeze (6), and RHEL/CentOS 6.
+GStreamer 0.1 and Farstream 0.1 are coupled, as are GStreamer 1.0 and Farstream 0.2. When determining the compatibility of an operating system release, be sure to check for both. For example, Debian Wheezy currently supports GStreamer 1.0 but only Farstream 0.1.
+Requiring GStreamer 1.0 and Farstream 0.2 would mean that Pidgin 3.0 would not support certain LTS operating systems such as Ubuntu 12.04, Debian Squeeze (6) and potentially Wheezy (7), and RHEL/CentOS 6.
+Of course, these releases are unlikely to backport Pidgin 3.0, considering that they haven't backported GStreamer 1.0. If they do, they can always just build with `--disable-vv`. Interestingly, OpenBSD currently does this, but for the opposite reason: their GStreamer/Farstream versions are too new and they're waiting for the Pidgin 3.0 release.

Page URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/mmcco>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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