Suggestion about an emoticon plugin implementation ...

Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Brasil mauro.brasil at
Thu Jul 19 10:21:50 EDT 2007

Hi Richard,

I run out on problems that should happen with libpurple when used with 
Pidgin (gtk interface), but they just don't happen.
And I confess that it makes me crazy the thinks I needed to do here to 
avoid some situations when using libpurple with a WTL application of our 

One example was the GMutex used on "send_cb" method of 
"flap_connection.c" file from ICQ protocol. This mutex has the simple 
purpose to assure the ICQ primitives will have different sequence numbers.
Without this change, ICQ protocol hangs up all time, and I took a little 
longer to realize that some primitives were being sent with the same 
sequence number, what leaded to protocolo hang up.

Race conditions like this were found when we issue a disconnection, 
while a connection process is taking place.
This causes lots of crashes with ICQ and MSN protocols here.
And the solution again was insert some mutexes, in order to serialize 
the two conflicting elements: 1- Handling of protocol primitives 
received, and 2- Disconnection procedure.

The Pidgin trunk have some problems that were solved, mainly regarding 
allocation/deallocation inconsistencies, but others persist.

Anyway, I don't want to loose the purpose of this issue.
So, whether you think it will be profitable to get into this subject 
about problems that I had using libpurple build with MSVC 2003, I think 
a new email will be desirable.

Thank's for the note anyway!

I'll be looking the buddy icon implementation, and get back to you as 
soon as possible.


Richard Laager wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 10:13 -0300, Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Brasil wrote:
>> Generally only code blocks that demands changes or adjustments so the
>> libpurple runs ok with our application (everything here, including
>> libpurple, is built using MSVC 2003, what resulted on many problems).
> I believe all of these have been fixed in trunk, though?
> If you have any patches for libpurple, you can submit them at:
> Richard

*Tecnologia e Qualidade em Informática Ltda*
Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Brasil
Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at <>
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( + 55 (34)3291-1700
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