Does pidgin need an Internet connection per se or can it run on internal Corporate LAN?

Luke Schierer lschiere at
Thu Jul 26 13:43:01 EDT 2007

On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 10:35:47AM -0700, Bill Fassler wrote:
> I just tried again using every suggestion you have and they seem to have servers identified or want them identified (except Gadu-Gadu which you says needs one).
> Ok, so I guess after reading your response more closely you say "internal server". Well I assume you mean Internal IM server and I don't have one.  Where can I get one?  And why do I need one?  Shouldn't a simple point-to-point connection (perhaps using SIP) be possible??
> Maybe I thought Pidgin was more versatile than it actually is.
> Bill

GG does not list a server because there *is* only one.  The only
protocol that I'm aware of that would not require a server os bonjour.

I do not know if SIP can operate in a serverless manner.

While it is possible in a theoretical sense to do serverless IM, bonjour
does so, the protocol has to support it.  We merely implement the
protocols, we do not define them.  

You can get links to some common jabber servers from  A
google search will no doubt provide you with the names of common open
source irc servers.  Each acts differently, and one or the other might
suit your needs better.

Sametime and groupwise are naturally commercial products.


> Luke Schierer <lschiere at> wrote: On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 08:45:04AM -0700, Bill Fassler wrote:
> > On my newer 64-bit Ubuntu box I have GAIM 2.0.0.beta6. I assume I can not use Yahoo, AIM, MSN etc because they are looking for IM servers on the Internet when I am on an isolated LAN.  I have never used this application so bear with me here.  I chose Gadu-Gadu and although it initially claimed that it could not acquire a token or something, I managed through trial and error to create and enter a chat room. Now I am trying to use an older 32-bit machine running Slackware to join in the chat session.  It can not find the chat room (which is the only one on the entire LAN)  and I fail to see how I can tell it specifically what IP and/or port to go to. It even came back once saying "server not found" and I had no idea what server it was trying to locate. Keep in mind this is an older (perhaps much older version of GAIM)
> > 
> I am surprised gadu gadu would even appear to connect.  You should be
> connecting to a Jabber (xmpp), irc, sametime, groupwise or bonjour
> network.  The others all require specific servers.
> luke
> > Anyway, my objective is to get a box to box chat going on and then try to push it through an encrypted tunnel using OpenVPN.
> > 
> > If you have any documentation that can help please point me to it, because I'm sure GAIM/Pidgin is painless and idiot-proof when you are on the web, but I can't seem to get it up and running on my LAN.
> > 
> > Oh I am also in the process of trying to create an embedded version of Finch which is why I am in the devel forum at all, but maybe this quiestion should be on some newb user forum, sorry.
> > 
> > Now on an older 32-bit Slackware box
> > 
> > Daniel Atallah  wrote: On 7/26/07, Bill Fassler  wrote:
> > > I am trying a test to see if pidgin will work in an isolated internal
> > > corporate LAN.  I would have assumed so but after launching the application
> > > it seems like it is trying to "connect" to something that isn't there.....
> > >
> > > Bill
> > 
> > There is no reason that Pidgin needs an internet connection for use
> > with an internal server.
> > 
> > What exactly are you seeing that makes it "seems like it is trying to
> > 'connect' to something that isn't there"?
> > 
> > 
> > -D
> > 
> > 
> >        
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