Compiling as stand alone dll

Eoin Coffey ecoffey at
Tue May 15 01:22:20 EDT 2007

Not sure what you're trying to accomplish but the mono loader plugin
is definitely still at baby eating status, and I don't think it fully
covers (or will since it currently doesn't cover much) what you've
vaguely hinted at ;-)


On 5/14/07, Stephen Eilert <spedrosa at> wrote:
> On 5/14/07, M Khalid <heyaibo at> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I am developing on .NET.  I want to build the soource as dll on window
> > and linux so, i can use it as COM component in other application.
> If you are using .NET's Interop (System.Runtime.InteropServices), you
> don't even need it to be a COM object. Remember, you can easily call
> functions exported in DLLs.
> libpurple.dll is already available in Pidgin's win32 build, so you
> don't need to compile it. Just call the DLL directly (using Interop).
> If you wish, you can create a .NET wrapper to present a somewhat more
> .NET-friendly interface, but this is not strictly necessary.
> Under linux, I am not sure. But since there's no .NET from Microsoft
> for any platforms other than win32, you have to use Mono. I believe
> Mono's Interop is able to load shared-object (.so) libraries. Again,
> it would be just a matter of calling the .so directly.
> --Stephen
> programmer, n:
>         A red eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with
> inanimate monsters.
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