Time for a break...

Richard Laager rlaager at wiktel.com
Mon May 21 13:42:27 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 08:04 -0400, Ethan Blanton wrote:
> The argument yesterday was about the removal of win32 support in
> Pidgin.  I fully support it, and I think we should do it.  I don't
> think it buys us anything as a project, and it is certainly a support
> nightmare.  With the complete core/ui split in 2.0.0, there is no
> reason that some enterprising party cannot come along and develop a
> native win32 client.

In the end, while this is all true, I think continuing our current
approach of sending Windows users to #pidgin-win32 is perfectly fine.
Those that don't wish to support Windows don't need to. If you don't
wish to code for Windows, you really don't have to either, as datallah
and SimGuy seem to have the win32 stuff under control.

As far as support goes, I think the biggest problem is that many
clueless Windows users don't honor the "go to #pidgin-win32" thing, or
they come back to #pidgin. I think one of two approaches is going to be
best here:

1. Just tell people to go to pidgin-win32 and ignore them after that. If
they crap-flood the channel, +q them.

2. Stop assuming everyone running Windows has a Windows-related problem,
because while that's often the case, it's not always.

Either way, this seems like an individual choice, as far as those who
are actively in the channel at the time. In the end, I think this
*active* Windows hatred is unproductive (and I've gotten caught up in
this, too). Sure, Windows has technical flaws and we all know that. Some
people choose to use it, some don't. So if you don't use Windows, ignore
it. I realize it comes up in our presence, but that's always going to
happen. Let's just ignore it and stop fighting about it.

I get frustrated by users as well, but I don't think we should kill off
Pidgwin because of some clueless users. We could just as well kill
Pidgin because of clueless users on Linux. I think Mark hit the nail on
the head with the plugin vs. buddy list comment.

My co-workers, for example, use Pidgwin. They're working to migrate off
of Windows, but their time is limited. They're not hassling anyone for
Pidgin support (not even me) and I don't see that as a problem.

We have support problems with certain distros as well. I know I've
gotten caught up in the hatred for them, based on the real problems that
we see. I think that's unproductive, though. Let's give people the best
information we can, "We can't help; go talk to the guys that make that."
and leave it at that. You can't please everyone all the time.

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