Looking for mentor for GSOC

Sulabh Mahajan sulabh.dev at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 08:19:34 EDT 2008

2008/4/11 chuen tschi liang <ct.w.liang at gmail.com>:

> But I read in a thread of the GSOC forum, that you have to find a mentor
> by yourself. That's why I'm writing.

Check the SoC FAQ again, you do not have to find a mentor on your own. The
group of guys here who have applied to be mentors would read your
application, review it, and if they like it will choose a mentor for you.

Relax, learn more open source, start contributing, in your case start
looking at icq (oscar) code. Keep interacting here. Keep answering any
questions "probable mentors" ask you about your application.

You have to find mentor on your own ONLY when you apply to Google as your
mentoring organization. If that clears the confusion.

cheers, best of luck.

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