msn-pecan now has direct connection support (fast file transfers)

Marcel Klein marcel at
Fri Jan 4 06:31:01 EST 2008

Praveen Markandu wrote:
> Nickname = your basic nickname, whether its AIM or MSN or YM or Jabber
> "Away" Status Messages = is only when you go away, giving information on why
> you are away or what you are doing while you are away. eg. Away - "Having
> dinner" or Busy - "Studying for exams"
> "Personalized" Status Messages =  an add on to whatever is on your mind.
> more like a MOTD as someone has suggested before.

And here is the problem, MSN only has these status messages "Online",
"Busy", "Be right back", "Away", "In a call", "Out to lunch" and then
"Appear offline".

You can't say that you are "Away - shopping", if you want to do so you
have to use the "personal message" stuff.

Older MSN versions only had the above mentioned statuses and you were
not able to mention any additional information (like in other
protocols).  And that is why many people may (in my opinion)
misunderstand the term "personal message".  I think it is used right at
the moment, it's an additional status message like in every other
protocol and I can just go "Away" (without any message) there, too.
Most MSN users just didn't know this feature and thus they but all kind
of things in their personal message.  But nobody prevents you from doing
this with the current implementation (like in Pidgins MSNP14)

Just one more thing, I sometimes set also weird things in my available
message on XMPP like "The sun is shining!" and same goes for MSN.  And
when I go away I usually want to tell people why I'm away or busy and
not that the sun is shining right now, that's an information for my
available message...

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