Sending files in Pidgin...

Stin smox2k at
Sun May 4 23:59:17 EDT 2008

Dear Devs...

I was asked for some information. Here you go...

* Which protocol are you having this problem on?
TCP, RIP v2, UDP(?), No proxy & whichever protocol Pidgin uses to communicate
using the Yahoo! network.

* What version of Pidgin are you and your friend using?
The latest (why would I use an older version or not update?) v2.4.1

* Do either/both of you have a NAT device such as a "broadband router" or a
computer doing "internet connection sharing"?
I am using an SPI firewall/router (Netgear DG845x, I think)

* Do you have antivirus/security software that includes a firewall? What is it?
I use AVG v8.00 for anti-virus.

Anything else you need to know??

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

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