Plagiarism from msn-pecan

Felipe Contreras felipe.contreras at
Sat Aug 1 05:40:17 EDT 2009


It looks like you guys took msn-pecan idea to close a switchboard
after one minute[1] into Pidgin[2] in order to solve the infamous
switchboard timeout error. That's good, however, you didn't gave any
credit; that's plagiarism.

We spent a lot of effort finding out the problem, and a working
solution. The fix is trivial, but that doesn't decrease the work we
spent chasing it. Besides, it's not an insignificant issue as you are
most probably aware, many users have complained about this bug over
the years, which is probably the reason why you included it in the

Crediting the source of ideas is common practice and in fact you
yourselves do it regularity. I wonder why you didn't do it this time,
and I hope it's not a hostile reason.



Felipe Contreras

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