MSN/WLM Protol in Pidgin

Greg simba40 at
Wed Dec 30 00:11:56 EST 2009

On 30/12/2009 4:09 PM, John Bailey wrote:
> Greg wrote:
>> personally i think  its weak at the moment. but with this new
>> msn-pecan-0.1.0 is it likely to become Default WLM protocol in Pidgin or
>> no? is it ever likely to be updated to the latest Protocol in Pidgin?
>> -- 
>> *Regards Greg*
> msn-pecan is a third-party plugin.  We have no active involvement in its
> development.  Our own MSNp15 implementation is continually improving as
> MSN-inclined developers fix bugs and implement new features.  Work is ongoing to
> support MSNp16 and newer, but this will take some time.  As for whether
> msn-pecan will be updated to support current MSN protocol versions, we have no
> idea--you'd have to ask the plugin's author.  That plugin is not likely to ever
> become part of our distribution, much less become our default MSN plugin.
> John
ok thanks John

*Regards Greg*
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