Mercurial vs Git

John Bailey rekkanoryo at
Wed Jan 19 22:56:39 EST 2011

On 01/19/2011 06:17 PM, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> This is why it's possible in the linux kernel to have hundreds of maintainer
> repositories, each one with dozens of branches and patches coming from the
> branches of even more developers. Branches are merely a utility to identify
> commits.

That's great for projects that operate in that manner, like the kernel.  For our
practices, I think a more "traditional" branching model where a branch is more
than just a floating reference is more appropriate.

Now, for some clarification, in the branch flow you described there, you get
nearly identical behavior with monotone if Richard's branch is not included in
the branch pattern pushed to a different database.  You end up with the
revisions because they're needed as part of the history, but you don't get the
branch certs because the branch's name didn't match the push pattern.  For a
concrete example, if you look carefully in our monotone database, you'll find a
number of revisions from the maemo guy that have no branch certs.

> I haven't seen anyone discuss this fact, except John Bailey who called the git
> implementation 'braindead' without going into any details.

Perhaps "braindead" was a poor choice of words.  But I don't like the idea of
the "branch" being a floating reference to the head of a portion of the revision

Our branches generally are larger feature branches, where (in my opinion) it's
more useful to always have those revisions tied to a given branch.  It's not the
immutability of the branch that I'm going for here, more the fact that *each*
revision on the branch is *explicitly* on the branch, not implicitly by walking
the history graph if the branch ref is present.

> == graft points ==
> I saw a proposal from John Bailey to have a structure like:
> libgnt
> libpurple
> finch
>  |-- libgnt
>  |-- libpurple
>  `-- po
> pidgin
>  |-- libpurple
>  `-- po
> po
> The disadvantage, he claimed, is that the history would have to start from zero
> since otherwise each one of these repos would have to be 215 MB.

Note that this wasn't directly a proposal.  It was mostly intended as an
illustration in response to Sadrul's question about how the subrepos worked.

The size of each repo being 215 MB was assuming we wanted to retain history in
*all* the repos, which I admittedly should have made clear in the first place.
For some sections of the tree, for example the 'po' directory, I'm not sure the
history has any intrinsic value.  Where the history doesn't have enough value
for us to care about, throwing the history away and starting over is trivial and
would reduce the size of the collection of repos.

Also, I'm not an expert on the 'hg convert' tool, so it's possible there's
additional functionality therein that I don't know about that could assist in,
or completely handle, slicing and dicing the history appropriately.

> Not with git.
> My proposal would be the following. Convert the whole history to git, then,
> make a new release, say 2.8 where the directories are split (libpurple, pidgin,
> etc.). That repository would be the legacy one, then, start new separate
> repositories that start from scratch.

As a concept, this particular proposal has merit.  A lot of merit, in my
opinion.  I'd propose that if we want to move away from the single-repo model we
make 2.8.x the end of the line for both one-repo and 2.x.  Then for 3.0.0 we
create whatever arrangement of repositories we feel is appropriate (I'd say
libpurple, libgnt, finch, pidgin, and po if we don't split the po's into each
repo) with all the subrepo glue we want/need and start anew, referring to the
old repo if we need history.

> Then, for the people that want to have the full history, they can setup a
> graft-point[3] and voilá; the full history would be available on each one of the
> repos.

This is an interesting feature that some may find useful.  That said, the Adium
guys have done pretty well without such functionality in their new "each branch
is a repo" model.  It does make me wonder how difficult writing such an
extension for mercurial would be, though.

> In conclusion, everything that can be done with Mercurial can be done with
> Git, but not the other way around (at least I'm pretty sure about the
> branches). Therefore, the sensible choice IMO is Git.

Perhaps git seems reasonable to you.  Whether it's reasonable for us or not
remains to be seen.  The recent votes to come in are making our decision lean
toward hg.  If the consensus is to move to hg, that's where we'll go.  Likewise,
if the consensus is git, that's where we'll go, as much as it displeases me.


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