new client plans and libpurple

Ethan Blanton elb at
Thu Mar 28 22:25:18 EDT 2013

Zoltán Sólyom spake unto us the following wisdom:
> Compiling the DLL for ssl in libpurple/plugins was relatively easy,
> but I can't make Tcl nor Perl work. They both only contain a few
> headers and import libraries for MinGW. Are those two necessary for
> libpurple? If so, could someone point me to the MinGW make files the
> libraries were made from? I found the source for both projects, but
> there are no instructions how to make the bare minimum DLL from
> them, and it doesn't seem easy.

They are not.  They're used to load plugins written in Tcl or Perl,
and none of the critical plugins are in these languages.


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