Quail - GSoC project 2013

John Bailey rekkanoryo at rekkanoryo.org
Tue May 28 22:25:57 EDT 2013

On 05/28/2013 09:17 AM, Phil Hannent wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been accepted as a student for the Google summer of code, to which I am
> very grateful. I'll be creating a Qt based instant messaging application using
> libpurple. I intent to target both Windows and Linux.

Congratulations, Phil.  I'm looking forward to a successful project.  While I
can't provide the amount of time needed to truly assist you or your mentor, I am
happy to provide whatever help I can.

> I would like a couple of bits of advice regarding setup:
> 1, My plan is not to build Quail in the Pidgin tree since I should just be
> linking against libpurple and Qt has its own build system (qmake). 

I don't see a problem with this.  Package management on proper Linux systems
make this trivial, but you may be in for some interesting contortions making it
all play nice on Windows.  You may find yourself needing to write qmake stuff
for libpurple for convenience.

> 2, I plan on initially working against the stable version 2.x.y branch of
> libpurple rather than main, this is because I don't see 3.0.0 being released any
> time soon and I would like to have a deployable application by then end of the
> GSoC. Certain issues might force me to use the main such as webkit for message
> display. However I'd like to work from a stable position and then build 3.0.0
> compatibility once the Quail is stable.

I like the idea of initially working from 2.10.7.  It may in the long run end up
being more work, but 2.10.7 is a known quantity, and we're not going to pull the
rug out from under you on that branch.  For getting a new UI up and running from
scratch, I'd go so far as to say it's insane NOT to target the stable libpurple
branch initially.


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