disconnect and a new reconnect

Jonas Zinn Jonas.Zinn at uni-konstanz.de
Thu Jan 9 20:37:43 EST 2014

Hey all,


it would be nice, if someone of you could help me with a little but annoying

First of all, what I'm currently doing, in my free time I write a little
chatbot with the libpurple, 

It is more an control bot then a normal chat bot you can talk with him, but
also give him commands, which he understands

To control the room light and such stuff. But each Day I will receive an new
internet ip-address (disconnect from internet)

Then the event function triggers correctly, but then I want the bot to wait
for an minute and reconnect again.

The waiting is not the problem, but the reconnecting. 

I tried a lot of ways to reconnect like 





So my question is what is a proper way to reconnect automatically after a
disconnect ?



Jonas Zinn

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